

圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台 Fighting Bee 军乐队 is a corps-style marching ensemble dedicated to musical and visual excellence.

The Fighting Bee 军乐队 is a highly visible organization on campus, 整个爱荷华州东部, 伊利诺斯州西部, 和四方城.


Interested in 军乐队, Guard, or Drumline/Front Ensemble? 点击这里 对于被录取的军乐队学生




所有军乐队成员, 室内游行艺术, Drumline/Front Ensemble自动获得2美元,会员每学年可获得500奖学金. 没有试镜. 没有削减. 如果你有很好的态度并且愿意努力工作, 我们会在小组里给你找个位置的!




The Fighting Bee 军乐队 is growing by leaps and bounds with more than 80 musicians in the band, drumline, 和colorguard. 成为这个神奇团体的一员.




把你不懈的奉献, 努力工作, 和音乐才能来工作,当你加入SAU行军艺术!


Join the SAU Fighting Bee Band, a corps-style marching band with color guard and drumline. Winter guard and indoor drumline comprise the SAU Indoor Performing Arts 程序.



Part of 军乐队 is the Pep乐队 that performs in the spring for all home games of men's and women's volleyball and basketball (approx. 每项运动5场).

All woodwind and brass players who receive an Athletic Band Award are required to participate in pep band. 我们的两个乐队每周一起排练一次. Rehearsals begin mid-fall semester and continue through the spring. The two pep bands have members of equal playing ability; two bands allows students to work around their academic and extra-curricular schedules.

There is NO AUDITION required to participate and this ensemble is OPEN TO ANY STUDENT regardless of major. Game performances are run by either the Athletic Band Director or drum majors and both bands use drumset players.

任何在校学生都可以加入这个团体, 然而, those who only participate in pep band do not receive a scholarship.

报名参加Pep乐队很容易! 在春季注册期间注册mu -126 A/B Pep乐队. 学生注册1学分或0学分. Participation in this ensemble fulfills the required general education fine arts credit.


Our pep band 程序 prides itself on entertaining our crowds and supporting our athletes.

Most of our music encompasses current pop tunes, classic rock, and funk.

We perform a large book of repertoire that is constantly updated in hopes of never hearing the same song twice in one game.


The Fighting Bee Band prides itself on providing opportunities for students across campus to develop real-world skills through working within the musical medium.

We are an organization dedicated to ensuring that our student members and staff graduate with knowledge and passion that will fuel the rest of their lives.

Our student leadership work every day to ensure our organization is growing and developing in a healthy way. 蜜蜂加油,乐队加油!


Megan Hobbs,主任


Megan Hobbs is the newly appointed Director of Athletic Bands and current 室内游行艺术总监 at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台,这两个具有竞争力的 冬季守卫和室内打击乐器 程序.

Ms. 霍布斯自2007年以来一直参与游行艺术, participating in marching percussion in her hometown of Kenosha, WI. 她第一次接触鼓乐队是在基尔蒂斯鼓 & 2010年的军号部队. 作为会员,她赢得了DCA I&2011年马林巴比赛. She also attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she pursued a degree in percussion performance and music education.

Her world class marching experience includes the Colts Drum and Bugle Corps and Rhythm X. She has also enjoyed being a part of professional entertainment ensembles including the Milwaukee Bucks Drumline and Tundraline, 绿湾包装工队的官方鼓线.

Her previous educational appointments include work as a technician, 协调员, 编曲, 和顾问. Her experience spans front ensemble and battery instruction with various high schools in Wisconsin, 俄亥俄州, Minnesota and Iowa; ConneXus Percussion, 基尔蒂斯鼓 & 军号团和柯尔特学员鼓 & Bugle Corps, where she is currently the percussion caption head.

Ms. 霍布斯一直和圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台 since 2019 when she began working as a battery technician. 从那时起, she has spearheaded the addition of a front ensemble to the Fighting Bee 军乐队, as well as starting the competitive 室内游行艺术 程序 at SAU. 在她的领导下, the SAU Indoor Percussion ensemble was a WGI A Class World Championship Finalist in their first year of existence. She will also be taking an educational role in the Music Department, 开办室内打击乐团及课程. Ms. 霍布斯很高兴能领导斗蜂军乐队, and help facilitate the growth of percussion studies throughout the greater Quad Cities area.



金隆德有三个大号演奏学位:B.M. 犹他州犹他大学(University of Utah, M.M. 在印第安纳大学获得博士学位.M.A. 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校. His studies also include two summers at the Aspen Music Festival and one summer at the Round Top Music Festival.

Dr. Lund has been teaching music at the collegiate level for over 10 years at three different institutions: BYU-Idaho, 奥古斯塔纳学院, 和圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台. His primary focus has been teaching applied low brass students, 但他也教音乐理论, 听觉能力, 铜技术, 以及音乐欣赏.

他开始在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台 as the low brass instructor in 2016 and is now expanding his horizon as the newly appointed 运动乐队的活动和表演协调员 where he serves as the assistant director of the marching band and pep band director.

Additionally, Lund is the appointed low brass coach for the local Quad City Youth Symphony. He has coached and conducted a variety of different collegiate ensembles including wind ensemble, 交响乐团, 低铜管合奏, 大号四重奏, 铜管五重奏, 木管五重奏, 还有萨克斯四重奏.

Dr. Lund is very excited to now be working full time with the wonderful students of St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 and to help expand the influence of the Athletic bands on campus and in the greater quad cities community. His mission for his students is to cultivate a passion for music, 让他们更了解自己的潜力, and help them become life-long supporters and advocates for the arts.


Megan Hobbs,主任

518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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